Think Box

A Hong Kong-based multimedia journalist currently working with Agence France-presse as Graphic Artist. His job includes charting, producing diagrams and illustrations for global news, mainly in Asia Pacific. Grad in journo and design in the city. Call me maybe ... #bookworm #idiot

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AFP's Tokyo2020 Olympic package logo design
New featured sport in Tokyo2020 - karate
New featured sport in Tokyo2020 - skateboarding
New featured sport in Tokyo2020 - baseball
New featured sport in Tokyo2020 - surfing
New featured sport in Tokyo2020 - Sport climbing
China new spacecrafts launch
North Mt. Everest route
Tokyo2020 torch relay route
New galactic odyssey by Virgin
Japan's radio taiso (daily workout broadcast
  • The javan green magpie

    A nearly extincted bird in Indonesia. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Planet Hunter

    A NASA satellite missions to scan more than 200 thousands orbiting stars by four tilted cameras with 16.8 megapixels sensors. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • How Chief executive elected in Hong Kong

    One of the special feature for Hong Kong 20th anniversary that shows the flow of the election process by 1,200 committees in different functional committees. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Nordic whale

    Map and illustration showing the whale distribution in Arctic circle and a news study published by Washington University finding how noise affecting whale undersea. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • US Mexico border

    Updated US-Mexico border and the proposed Trump's "Wall" (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Vampire bat

    Feature of the vampire bat with illustration (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Casualties of Philippines drug war victims

    Numbers obtained by Philippines police from July 1, 2016 (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Coral Bleach

    Diagram showing how coral bleaching happened by algae detachment affected by climate change (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Hong Kong electric formula one

    This is a graphic produced for Hong Kong electric formula one 2017. It was the first electric-auto race held in the city. Co-worked John Saeki and Gal Roma (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Shanghai Flood

    Flood map showing how the climate change damage the whole Shanghai city. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Hurricane splashed Haiti

    Map showing the path of Hurricane Matthew splashing Haiti October 12, 2017 (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Features of the new flexible satellite

    The airbus Eutelsat Quantum satellite under construction will be the first commerical satellite that will be fully reconfigurable in orbit (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Hong Kong express: a city in transit

    Major infrastructure development around the harbour since the handover (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Hong Kong express: a city in transit

    Sea-floor mapping conducted during the search for missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 reveals previously unknown undersea world of volcanoes, valleys and ridges. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Zealandia 'new continent'

    Scientists set sail Friday to investigate the huge underwater landmass in the SOuth Pacific that has never been properly studied. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • The survival of the dumbphone

    NOkia unveils a new version of its 3310 talk and text phone (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Probing the sun

    New NASA mission aiming to investigate the sun is scheduled for launch in 2018 (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Salvaged Sewol

    Ongoing operations on the South Korea's stricken ferry that sank nearly three years ago. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • India puts record 104 satellites into orbit

    Successful launch on WEdnesday, says India's Space REsearch Organisation. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Living with toxic air

    Around 2 billion children live in areas where outdoor pollution exceeds minimum air-quality guidelines set by the World Health Organization. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Planned Mumbai memorial

    Plans to build the world's tallest statue in the Indian business captial has left the city divided. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Thailand's royal cremation

    King Bhumibol Adulyadejdied on Oct 13, 2016, aged 88. A funeral ritual from Oct 25-29, 2017 will culminate with a cremation ceremony (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Thailand's royal cremation

    King Bhumibol Adulyadejdied on Oct 13, 2016, aged 88. A funeral ritual from Oct 25-29, 2017 will culminate with a cremation ceremony (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Plastic-munching grub

    Wax worm caterpiller found to be able to breakdown plastic pollution (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Mumbai's Bhendi Bazaar makeover

    Dilapidated ghetto of low-rise buildings to be transformed into a neighbourhood of shiny skyscrapers (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • The extraordinary life of a parasite

    Liver fluke plays out its life-cycle in three different host species including humans (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Chronic traumatic encephalopathy

    A degenerative disease found in individuals exposed to repetitive brain trauma (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Northern hairy-nosed wombat

    One of the world's rarest species, mainly popluated in eastern Australia. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Korean peninsula military stockpiles

    Based on data from South Korea's 2016 defence white paper. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Nuclear attack computer simulation

    Based on Nukemap, a computer simulation of atomic attacks developed by Alex Wellerstein, a professor at Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey, US. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • North Korea's missile and nuclear tests

    Major events since January 2016. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • The Oscars

    Winners in the main categories. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Rohingya in Bangladesh

    Refugees from Myanmar's Rakhine state arriving in Bangladesh camps. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Year of the Dog

    Graphic featuring the events and people in the year of Dog. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Twitter records 2017

    A glimpse into Twitter most popular tweets and followers throughout 2017. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • 2017 Tech trend highlights

    A lookback of the technology highlights in a year. (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Thailand cave rescue

    Re-visualising the rescue based on the video by Thai Navy Seal, co-worked with Gal Roma (click the right-top corner to close the slide)

  • Worsen wildfire

    10 ways that worsen the wildfire globally (click the right-top corner to close the slide)